Kid Friendly Dentist
Scottsdale, AZ
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For Parents
Many parents are not aware of how serious oral health is for young children. According to the Center for Disease Control, tooth decay is the leading infectious disease among children, and it can lead to long-term health issues if left to worsen.
It’s highly advisable for parents to bring their children to see a dentist twice per year, as well as teaching effective brushing and flossing techniques at home. This way, children can play an active role in their oral health and reduce the risk of tooth decay.
Our Goals
On top of visiting a dental professional regularly, it’s crucial for children to maintain healthy oral hygiene practices at home.
It can be a challenge to get especially young children interested in brushing their teeth, which is why we at Scottsdale Family Smiles are dedicated to changing opinions about oral health and inspiring young children to take an interest in dental care. Our goal is to not only clean your child’s teeth in the office but encourage them to want to brush their teeth at home.
If you’re struggling to get your child to brush his or her teeth, we’d love to welcome you to Scottsdale Family Smiles. At your child’s appointment, we can properly show the child how to correctly brush in order to ensure they’re not missing any spaces.
Should your child forget after returning home, the American Dental Association’s website has a helpful video tutorial, and several other brushing tutorials can be found on YouTube.
Once your child brushes correctly, keep an eye on the length of time they’re dedicating to brushing. The ideal brushing time is two minutes, two times daily. Brushing correctly, and for at least two minutes at a time can greatly reduce the risk of developing oral health issues.
Preventive Dentistry
To better help children protect their teeth from decay and damage, Scottsdale Family Dentistry can utilize dental sealant to fill in some of the deep ridges in your child’s teeth. This fast, painless procedure adds a level of protection to the teeth and prevents food particles, bacteria, and plaque from becoming trapped within.
It’s a simple, effective way of preventing cavities from developing in tooth ridges.
If you live in the Scottsdale area, we invite you to schedule a dental exam by calling (480) 607-6937.
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